
New HSO member: Yvette Buist

11 maart 2019

I am Yvette and I just started as a PhD candidate at the chair group Health and Society. The themes of my PhD project are Public Health, Environment, Climate Adaptation and Life Course.

In 2016 I obtained a MSc degree in Communication, Health and Life Science at Wageningen University and Research. It was great to look at health from a broad perspective, taking into account characteristic such as social participation, meaningfulness, wellbeing and  environment. Especially the interaction between health and environment fascinated me. 

After my time in Wageningen I started working as  a junior researcher at The National Institute of Public Health and Environment. I was involved in research projects on elderly care, dementia care and integrated care. I focused in particular on innovative dementia care at green care farms and at green urban places and on collaboration on early detection of frail older people.

I am happy to be back at Wageningen University and it is great that I can start working on my PhD project at the chair group Health and Society. First, I will start writing the proposal. I will to narrow down the themes and define research questions. I hope my studies will contribute to healthy and people and living environments.