
PacBio seminar shows applications and experiences

22 april 2014

At the PacBio seminar on 26 March in Wageningen a variety of applications of this third generation sequencing technology were presented. Speakers from different organisations from the Netherlands and abroad showed the more than 60 participants their experiences and results with the PacBio technology. Because of the interesting presentations and useful networking possibilities, the seminar turned out to be very fruitful. Several presentations are now available.


The single molecule real time sequencing (SMRT) technology of PacBio is on the market since only a few years. One advantage over other next generation sequencing technologies is that it can produce long reads. Because the technology is relatively new, applications and new results are still being reported. CAT-AgroFood, the shared research facilities part of Wageningen UR, offers researchers access to the PacBio RS II

The seminar was organised by CAT-AgroFood, Plant Research International Wageningen UR and Pacific Biosciences.

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