
Policy integration in the EU governance of global food security

16 januari 2018

New article:

Candel, J.L. & Biesbroek, R. (2018) Policy integration in the EU governance of global food security. Food Security. Online first 11.1.2018.

The global food price spikes of 2007–8 and 2010 led to increased awareness of the complexity of food (in)security as a policy
problemthat crosscuts traditional sectoral, spatial and temporal scales. At the European Union (EU) level, this awareness resulted
in calls for better integrated approaches to govern food security. This paper addresses the question of to what extent these calls
were followed by an actual shift towards better integrated EU food security governance.We address this question by applying a
processual policy integration framework that distinguishes four integration dimensions: (i) the policy frame, (ii) subsystem
involvement, (iii) policy goals, and (iv) policy instruments. The empirical body of evidence for assessing shifts in these dimensions
draws upon an extensive analysis of EU documents complemented with interview data. We find that policy integration
advanced to at least some degree: the policy frame expanded towards new dimensions of food security; a wider array of
subsystems started discussing food security concerns; food security goals diversified somewhat and there was an increased
awareness of coherence and linkages with other issues; existing instruments, including internal procedural instruments, were
expanded and made more consistent; and new types of instruments were developed. At the same time, significant differences
exist between policy domains and policy integration efforts seem to have come to a halt in recent years.We conclude with various
policy recommendations and suggestions for follow-up research.

Keywords Food security . European Union . European Commission . Policy integration . Governance . Policy change

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