
‘Second Generation Climate Information Systems’: How Climate Information Systems can better support Sustainable Food Production and attainment of SDGs In Ghana

24 september 2020

Ending hunger in Ghana (SDG 2) requires that farmers are able to manage challenges posed by climate change in food production. In the dispensation where the transformational power of digital services are being touted, the PhD research of Andy Bonaventure Nyamekye investigated how existing information services support farmer adaptation and how innovation (SDG 9) by way of second generation climate information systems can improve adaptive food governance.

His findings highlight the need to leverage citizen science  to enable the integration of scientific information and indigenous knowledge in meteorological forecast provision. Secondly, he opines that actionable (salient, credible and legitimate) knowledge is most attainable through a co-production process from problem framing to the testing and operationalisation of climate information systems. He also points to the need to understand farmer information needs through the lens of adaptive decision-making in unravelling what information is relevant to help farmers better adapt their practices towards sustainable food production.

See further details here: