
Tool tip: Share your articles with Springer Nature SharedIt

27 juni 2019

Springer Nature allows you to share links of paywalled articles on social media platforms, in repositories or on personal websites. Tool tip #10 introduces SharedIt, a content-sharing tool of publisher Springer Nature.

You probably want to share your published article with colleagues or friends. When you publish in an Open Access journal, you're generally free to share the article. Always check the copyright license before you do so. If your article is not Open Access, the options for sharing the full-text are often limited by copyright issues.

Sharing Springer Articles

Publisher Springer Nature allows you to legally share links of your closed- access research article anywhere, such as social media platforms, repositories or personal websites. You will automatically receive a shareable link or you can go to the Springer Nature Author portal to request the link. This link will give access to the full-text.

Not only authors, but also subscribers can share articles with SharedIt. As WUR subscribes to several Springer Nature journals, all WUR researchers can use SharedIt! Just open the article of interest on the publisher’s site, go to ‘share article’ (click here for an example) to post it wherever you like (e.g. Twitter or ResearchGate) as long as it is for non-commercial, personal purposes.

With SharedIt you can share the full-text of paywalled publications with those who don’t have access to the journals.  

Tool tips series

In the series of ‘Tool tips’, Library staff reviews handy research tools. Think of tools that can help you with publishing, accessing literature, and handling data. Interested in other tool tips? You can find the links on the right hand side. And please do let us know if you have a research tool that might come in handy for others as well.