
Stiboka reports and maps digitised

2 december 2019

All Stiboka (Stichting voor Bodemkartering) reports and maps have been digitised by the back office of WUR Library. The 1500 reports and more than 10,000 maps are stored in the e-depot and available to everyone.

In 2019, 1520 Stiboka reports and 10,000 maps were digitised. The reports were published from 1959 until 1989.

The Stiboka report with the most maps is: Landschapskartering Twente: het gebruik van het Informatiesysteem Landschapsbeeld voor de herziening van het streekplan Twente, by A Buitenhuis, PA Burrough, AA de Veer (1982). The report has over 300 additional maps.

Stiboka (Stichting voor Bodemkartering) was a research institute from the Landbouwhogeschool in Wageningen. The institute was founded in 1945 by Prof. C.H. Edelman, a well-known geologist and the hogeschool's Rector Magnificus from 1946 to 1947. Stiboka worked on soil mapping for agricultural purposes.

The Library is striving to collect and to digitise all publications of Wageningen University & Research. Before it digitized the Stiboka reports, the Library had already scanned three WUR report series: the Alterra rapporten, the Mededelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool and the Verslagen Landbouwkundig Onderzoek.

Prof.C.H. Edelman (1903-1964). Source: WUR Image Collections
Prof.C.H. Edelman (1903-1964). Source: WUR Image Collections
Stiboka reports
Stiboka reports
Stiboka reports in the Stacks of the Forum Library
Stiboka reports in the Stacks of the Forum Library