
Survey Research Data Management

10 juni 2016

You might have heard about the recently shaped research data management policies issued by your organization, funding programs such as H2020 or academic publishers. Also, the proper management of research data is expected to facilitate sharing, reuse and increase transparency in science. But do you think you have the proper training, infrastructure or support to fulfill these expectations easily? Would you like to give us your opinion on this situation? You are invited to take part in our national survey on Research Data Management where your perspective matters.

You can find the survey here:

Survey on Research Data Management

This survey is organized by the LCRDM, a national initiative grouping representatives from your organization and other research universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes and UMCs in the Netherlands.

The questionnaire is very short and only requires at most 10 minutes of your time. If you desire, you will be able to provide your e-mail address at the end of this survey to receive a report of the results and be able to compare your RDM practices with other research organizations in the Netherlands.

Thank you for your time and valuable imput,

National Coordination Point Research Data Management