
Water4Crops project results

24 augustus 2016

Factsheet booklet published with actual information on the objectives of each project partner, research findings, main results achieved and perceptions made especially at its Indian and European case study sites.

Water4Crops, acronym for 'Integrating Bio-treated Wastewater Reuse and Valorization with Enhanced Water Use Efficiency to Support the Green Economy in Europe and India' is an Euro-India coordinated research project, co-funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and the European Commission, addressing a crucial issue facing the world - Water and wastewater reuse and management. The project brings together an Indo-European consortium of 36 organisations (14 Indian and 22 European) belonging to research institutions, universities, large industries and SMEs.

The factsheet booklet provides not only actual information on the objectives of each project partner, research findings, main results achieved and perceptions made especially at its Indian and European case study sites, but also a list of deliverables and scientific papers published.

The objective of this booklet is to open the project to public and private stakeholders, diffusing our scientific research results with a problem-solving approach, and contemporarily stimulating a discussion with the enlarged audience of the end users by informing them on critical problems of waste water management.

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