SG – The Merchants of Climate Delay
How a handful of companies, advertising agencies and useful idiots are delaying the transition to a post-fossil society and instead tell YOU it is YOUR responsibility to stop flying and driving to save the planet for future generations.
An evening about climate obstruction and the role of marketing and advertising with Martine Doppen and Martijn Duineveld.
We will discuss how the tactics and strategies (like greenwashing) of the fossil industry, governments, think-tanks and marketers frustrate the transitions to a low-emission society and climate justice.
About series Resistance to Change
How do toxic masculinity, farmer protests, and the fossil fuel industry interconnect? In our sometimes rapidly changing world, we are faced with multiple crises, yet there are often structures and institutions that resist necessary changes. Over the course of three evenings, we will delve into various aspects of resistance to change, drawing insights from different disciplinary perspectives. From exploring the concept of masculinity to examining delay tactics and the resistance within the agri-food sector, join us as we uncover some of the complexities of resistance to direly needed change in our society.
About Martine Doppen

About Martijn Duineveld
Martijn Duineveld is Associate Professor at the Cultural Geography Group Wageningen University and he is co-founder of the Dutch Network for Climate Obstruction Studies.

Currently he is involved in the W*O*L*F* project which exposes how big industry obstructs transitions to a low-emission society and climate justice.
Martijn has been involved in many international research and consultancy projects situated in Argentina, Uganda, Georgia and Russia. He also studied urban fringes and cities in the Netherlands (The Bulb region (2005-2010), Groningen (2010-2012) and Arnhem (2013-2018). In these cases, he explores the power interplays between local politicians, planners, designers, project developers and citizens. His studies have been published in innovative ways, speaking to academia and the broader public, including film-making, newspaper articles, and local news blogs. He is co-founder and active contributor to the emerging body of literature on Evolutionary Governance Theory.