See, hear and read more about Circular Fashion Lab®
The Circular Fashion Lab® was officially launched September 4th, 2019 with the opening of the exhibition 'Fashioning the Future: Innovating textile value chains'. During the celebration of 100 years WUR, Louise O. Fresco was dressed in a circular ensemble developed by the Circular Fashion Lab. These are two examples of the Circular Fashion Lab® trackrecord. Discover more and read about our projects and research in the overview presented here.
- 08/01/23 - artikel - Volkskrant - Ananasleer, plastic of schimmels: hoe duurzaam en groen zijn leeralternatieven? [Dutch]
- 06/01/23 - artikel - NRC - Schoenen van mangoleer, T-shirts van stro: de nieuwe grondstoffen met (wel of geen) toekomst [Dutch]
- 06/01/23 - artikel - NRC - Jouw jas ontleed: waarom is kleding zo vervuilend? [Dutch]
- 03/01/23 - artikel - Volkskrant - Van fleece tot thermosok: hoe komt het dat onze klerenkasten volhangen met plastics? En hoe erg is het? [Dutch]
- 05/04/22 - news - Resource - Event: ‘Green’ fashion in the spotlight
- 10/08/21 - news - The National News - 'Trashionable' Indian weaver spins saris from bananas and pineapples
- 07/07/21 - news - Fibre2Fashion - Enough agri waste in Asia to produce natural fibres at scale: study
- 07/11/18 - article - Arnhemse Koerier - Kleding van vissenhuid of theebladeren [Dutch]
- 01/10/18 - article - Trouw - Geef verduurzaming een zetje: stel eens een vraag in een kledingwinkel [Dutch]
- 17/09/18 - radio - NPO1 - De wereld van morgen: kleding van afval [Dutch]
- 08/09/18 - article - Financieel Dagblad - Werkelijk duurzame mode [Dutch]
- 06/09/18 - article - Resource - Dirty laundry: Four ways of making the fashion industry more sustainable
- 04/09/18 - article - NRC - Rupsvriendelijke jurk met ananaspump [Dutch]
- 05/06/18 - photos - Resource - Zo ziet circulaire mode eruit [Dutch]
- 31/05/18 - news - Resource - Schimmeljurken en paddenstoelschoenen [Dutch]
Dutch Design Week 2019

Circular Fashion Lab® was invited to participate in the The Design United exhibition TILT-SHIFT: REFRAMING FUTURES, which showcased critical as well as more optimistic visions of how design and technology will shape the world of tomorrow. Master student Organic agriculture, Antonia van Vlastuin, has organized the presentation of several projects from our master students’ Academic Consultancy Training projects, in collaboration with designers.
- FlowerTextile by Jessica Rijkers. The Netherlands is known worldwide for its ornamental cultivation of cut flowers. However, many flowers don’t make it to the shop floor and are thrown away. This project investigated how rather than being wasted, these flowers could become a raw material for a new textile. FlowerTextile proposes a countervision to the amount of pollution that permeates the fashion industry.
- Marinero by Jef Montes. Inspired by the complex entanglement of the sea and plastic pollution, the focus of Marinero is to create an architectural blueprint of a garment that transforms organically over the course of time due to different meteorological conditions. The blueprint is one woven square, created with a preprogrammed weaving pattern. The weavings have a main chain of vertical nylon threads and horizontal integrated threads made of shrinking yarns, seaweeds, and other sea materials. The contrast of these threads causes friction and results in the evolution of dynamic shapes
Exhibition Fashioning the Future 2018
State of Fashion 2018
The Circular Fashion Lab® has collaborated with State of Fashion since 2018. State of Fashion is the first international fashion event that focuses entirely on a more sustainable and fair fashion system. The exhibition presented (interim) results of research projects focused on new bio-based materials or recycled materials for applications in textile, design and fashion.
During State of Fashion a presentation, debate or talk takes place in their event space the Whataboutery. How can we come up with solutions for the sustainability issue that is pressing on the fashion world? To answer this question, WUR has been invited to co-host one of the Whataboutery sessions with the theme #Reuse. Below a short impression of the evening hosted by Circular Fashion Lab®.
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Presentation by Michiel Scheffer on the Circular Textile Days, exploring the sense and non-sense of circular workwear procurement.
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Talkshow about a sustainable fashion industry with Dieuwertje de Wagenaar from Wageningen University & Research and MUD Jeans. Hear the experts discuss the current developments and what we can do in order to make more sustainable decisions. In Dutch.
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Over the past three decades, Wageningen University & Research has developed a lot of knowledge on natural fibres, waste recycling technologies and sustainable packaging. Together with our industry partners we co-create a circular future for fashion.
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This 15 minute lecture was given by Kim Poldner to explain how we can transition to a circular fashion industry (in Dutch).
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5 designers created a circular outfit inspired by research of Wageningen University. To be worn by the president of Wageningen University & Research, Louise Fresco.
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Presentation by Paulien Harmsen from Wageningen University & Research at the Circular Textile Days. Exploring the options for replacing non-renewable feedstock in the textile industry by using biomass-based feedstock and optimizing recycling technologies.