Student projects
Circular fashion has kicked off at Wageningen University & Research. Students have been working on questions such as: What new, sustainable materials can we develop for the textile industry? What is an ideal, fair, clean and sustainable fashion system? How does this relate to the behaviour of consumers and new business models? Student guidance is provided by WUR researchers, designers, experts from the industry.
Circular Fashion Projects
Academic Consultancy Training

About ACT
The aim of the course Academic Consultancy Training is to offer teams of students the opportunity to execute a consultancy project in collaboration with an external commissioner. The student teams, composed of students with various disciplinary and often cultural backgrounds, work in a transdisciplinary manner.
Graduation research

About graduation research
Over the last few years, more and more students have written their graduation research about circular fashion. Here you’ll find an overview of BSc and MSc theses related to circular fashion.

About projects
Besides research, WUR students have developed several interesting events and projects in Wageningen to improve awareness for sustainability and circularity in the fashion industry. All projects stem from personal enthusiasm or dedication of students, wanting to make an impact in the industry. Allowing them to become a change maker for this industry. Browse through their projects and stories below.
Circular Economy Student Hub
The Circular Economy Student Hub (CESH), is an organisation made possible by a team of students, all passionate about creating a more sustainable world and we are working to facilitate a transition to a biobased and circular economy. Under the lead of BSc student Dieuwertje de Wagenaar (board member and manager circular fashion), Circular Fashion 2017 was founded and developed several activities shaped at improving awareness about the fashion industry at Wageningen University & Research. Here you’ll find an overview of their activities.
Circular Fashion Symposium
The Circular Fashion Symposium was aimed at connecting students, professors and companies to address the challenges of the fashion industry and create innovative solutions for a circular fashion future. By connecting the expertise from different departments in a panel discussion the goal was to build bridges towards interdisciplinary solutions in circular fashion. The Circular Fashion Symposium marked the first step towards an innovative fashion future at Wageningen University & Research.
In collaboration with Impulse, Project organization 100 years WUR Art&Exhibition, ArtEZ & State of Fashion.
- Website Circular Fashion Student Hub
- Video about the Circular Fashion Symposium, which is implemented in the Wageningen University & Research Circular Economy MOOC
Movie Night & Clothing Swap
Learning about the consequences of our consumerist society and taking a step into the right direction at the clothing swap, that was the goal. The movie night illustrated the effects of the current fashion industry, and thrives to change the consciousness of buying and wearing clothes. A sustainable fashion future starts in our own wardrobe and together we can put a circular economy in motion!
- Photos Movie Night & Clothing Swap
- Article - Resource - 01/06/17 - Swapping clothes for sustainability
100 Years WUR sweater design challenge
Fashion exhibition
Mylium: mushroom leather
Mylium uses mycelium to create our materials. Mycelium is a dense network of fungal threads, also simply called the ‘roots of fungi’. This startup is founded by Wageningen University & Research alumnus Iris Houthoff. Her technology has already been displayed at several locations among others, Dutch Design Week, State of Fashion and of course at the Wageningen University Campus.
Fashion Show
Wageningen University Master student Development and Rural Innovation, Imke van Barneveld, has organized a fashion show, aiming to improve awareness about fashion in Wageningen, showing mushroom dresses and recycled waste paper, dyed with pine cone pigment and tulip bulbs.