Education: Dairy Science and Technology
Wageningen University offers education on Dairy Science and Technology within the MSc programme Food Technology, which is an English two-year MSc programme suited to students that have completed their BSc (in food or life science).
In the Dairy Science and Technology courses and thesis/internship projects, students will gain an in-depth understanding on the chemistry and physics of milk and dairy products as well as the impact of dairy processes on these properties and how they affect dairy product and ingredient functionality. These learnings are highly valued in the dairy industry, but also many other parts of the food industry where dairy ingredients are applied, e.g., infant and medical nutrition, bakery and confectionary, etc.
Students following the MSc courses on Dairy Science and technology come from countries all around the world. Students from the following countries have already participated in the dairy MSc courses:
Career opportunities
The demand for employees in this field is currently higher than the number of graduates from the Dairy Science and Technology programme.
Many recent graduates found, for example, the following jobs:
- Research in the industry or at research institutes
- Process technology at innovation centres, innovative food companies or government agencies
- At universities as PhD student
Of the previously graduated students, 50% works in the food industry, 35% in a university and 15% in a number of different fields.
As graduates progress in their careers, they usually advance to the management level.
Scope of the Dairy Science and Technology programme
The whole dairy chain with focus on milk and milk components:
- Variability in milk composition throughout the chain
- Milk composition and human health
- Physical and chemical properties of milk components
- Changes in composition during processing