Working groups
Work group 1: Broodstock conditioning
Expertise sharing and collaboration with the purpose of designing an optimal broodstock conditioning protocol from glass eel to pubertal silver eel.
1.1) to provide the state-of-the-art of knowledge on broodstock conditioning and to identify knowledge gaps; 1.2) to develop collaborative strategies to fill the knowledge gaps; 1.3) to synthesize and review new knowledge with the purpose of designing an optimal broodstock conditioning protocol.
Activities aim at using the Action’s tools to fulfil the tasks, mainly organizing WG meetings in relation to task 1.1; Strategic STSMs in relation to task 1.2, and dissemination in relation to task 1.3, on topics such as assessment of broodstock quality; validation of feminization; broodstock nutrition; natural triggering of early maturation by simulated migration; use of steroid implants; broodstock selection, etc.
Work group 2: Induced maturation and reproduction
Expertise sharing and collaboration with the purpose of designing an optimal induced maturation and reproduction protocol from silver eel to larvae.
2.1) to provide the state-of-the-art of knowledge on induced maturation and reproduction and to identify knowledge gaps; 2.2) to develop collaborative strategies to fill the knowledge gaps; 2.3) to synthesize and review new knowledge with the purpose of designing an optimal induced maturation and reproduction protocol.
WG meetings will be organised in relation to task 2.1; Strategic STSMs in relation to task 2.2, and dissemination in relation to task 2.3, on topics such as the use of pituitary extracts and recombinant gonadotropins; hormone delivery techniques; alternative methods to induce vitellogenesis; gametogenesis during stimulation of maturation; steroidogenesis; assessment of gamete quality; relations between oocyte lipids and yolk; use of ultrasound methodology; ovulation and egg release; gamete stripping vs. natural spawning; design of spawn tanks; cryopreservation techniques; natural reference for matured eels, etc
Work group 3: Eel hatchery
Expertise sharing and collaboration with the purpose of designing the optimal hatchery protocols for raising larvae up to the glass eel stage.
3.1) to provide the state-of-the-art of knowledge on hatchery conditions and technology and to identify knowledge gaps; 3.2) to develop collaborative strategies to fill the knowledge gaps; 3.3) to synthesize and review new knowledge with the purpose of designing an optimal hatchery technology.
WG meetings will be organised in relation to task 3.1; Strategic STSMs in relation to task 3.2, and dissemination in relation to task 3.3, on topics such as hatchery technology for rearing eggs and early larvae; hatchery technology for feeding larvae; epigenetics, proteomics and genomic techniques to study early development; intestinal microbiology; first feeding natural and artificial diets; growth and timing of metamorphosis; glass eel production techniques, etc.
Working group 4: Dissemination and public
Supporting networking and interaction between participants, collaborative dissemination and relations with stakeholders and the public at large.
4.1) to synthesize information and organize dissemination by review papers, presentations, etc. (see section 2.2.2).
Dissemination and supporting the public relations. A separate WG is required to strategically align the desired use of tools by WGs 1-3.