CGN Quality Management System
A genebank quality management system assures the quality and reliability of products and services for customers, partners and funding agencies. It also facilitates cooperation between genebanks in Europe.
A quality management system describes an organisation. It creates transparency about management, responsibilities, workflow and operational procedures. The CGN quality manual contains sections on management, organisation, staff and about ways to analyse and improve the genebank procedures (e.g. the handling of complaints from users).
The quality manual also describes the actual technical procedures of the animal-, forest- and plant genebank, and thus gives insight about how CGN is functioning. For instance, there is detailed information about the plant genebank concerning acquisition and regeneration of seed material as well as the actual seed management (ordering, distributing, germination testing, etc.).
A quality management system improves the efficiency and reliability of a genebank.
CGN experienced that introducing a quality management system leads to a considerable improvement of the efficiency. Procedures are discussed and improved when possible. During the introduction of the quality management system CGN identified several critical processes without proper protocols, that had never been discussed, never been validated. Also, a quality management system makes it easier to introduce new staff or to inform colleagues and guests about (new) procedures.
CGN is available for support to other genebanks who are considering the introduction of a quality management system, as it will allow more effective cooperation among genebanks in Europe.
By creating transparency in our functioning CGN has made itself a reliable partner.
CGN has adopted a Quality Management System (QMS) according to NEN-EN-ISO9001:2015, certified by DNV.
The CGN quality handbook (in Dutch) is available on request. If you have questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact us at cgn@wur.nl.