CGN carrot collection

The carrot collection is being maintained at CGN since 2011. It consists of some landraces and in particular wild Daucus carota accessions collected in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Albania.

In the early years of CGN, it was decided not to include the carrot collection from CPRO (Centre for Plant Breeding and Reproduction Research) in Wageningen and to donate it to HRI (now Warwick Genetic Resources Unit, University of Warwick) in Wellesbourne. In 1990-1992, about 530 accessions from CPRO were moved to the United Kingdom, later on followed by samples collected 1997 and 1999 in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan and some landraces from different origins. At Warwick-GRU, these 579 accessions are well maintained and available for distribution.

In the framework of CGN's initiative to profile itself as a vegetable genebank, a carrot collection was set up in 2011, initially duplicating some wild carrot accessions from the US collection in Ames, which were not available in Europe. Furthermore, some wild carrots from the Netherlands were included. However, the main part consists of Daucus carota accessions collected in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in 2015, which have become available after the embargo period of five years, following the rejuvenation by breeding companies. Recently, CGN repatriated several Dutch heritage cultivars of vegetables, including carrot.