New stands in the List of Varieties of Trees
The Centre for Genetic Resources Netherlands (CGN) is continuously looking for new seed sources for inclusion in the List of Varieties of Trees. In 2023, two new stands and two seed orchards have been included in the List.
These are two 'Selection' stands of common alder and black walnut. Selection stands are selected based on good silvicultural characteristics, such as good growth, continuous spindle, fine branching and vitality.
For black walnut, this is the second seed stand on the List of Varieties of Trees. Black walnut is a species with important properties for forestry and climate. The demand for plantlets of this species is expected to increase in the coming years.
Besides black walnut, the common alder has also been expanded. Traditionally, common alder has been used as natural vegetation along water sides. The species is also frequently planted for silvicultural purposes as a filler tree species.
New seed orchards
In addition, two new seed orchards of winter lime and hornbeam have been added (category 'approved'). For these species, these are the first seed orchards in the Netherlands. The purpose of these seed orchards is to produce genetically high-quality propagating material. The seed orchards are a partial copy of the German seed orchard Roddergrube (North Rhine-Westphalia). The original individuals are visually selected for silvicultural qualities, adaptation and health. The area of origin of these individuals corresponds to the Netherlands in terms of climatic and ecological conditions.
If you know of high-quality forest stands or avenue plantations in your area or beyond, register them using the registration form on the website.
Soort NL | Soort | Categorie | Naam/code herkomst | Beheereenheid/lokale naam |
Winterlinde | Tilia cordata | Zaadgaard, gekeurd | Vaartbos-01 NL.ZQ.8.3.02-01 | SBB, Horsterwold vak 512 C |
Haagbeuk | Carpinus betulus | Zaadgaard, gekeurd | Vaartbos-01 NL.ZQ.8.3.02-01 | SBB, Horsterwold vak 513 D |
Gewone els | Alnus glutinosa | Selectie, opstand | Almere-01 NL.S.8.3.03-01 | SBB, Almeerderhout vak 132 P3 |
Zwarte walnoot | Juglans nigra | Selectie, opstand | Almere-01 NL.S.8.3.03-01 | SBB, Almeerderhout vak 131 D3 |