
6e AP Organische stof en uitspoeling

In the Dutch farmin practice the effects of a higher organic matter supply on nitrate leaching are discussed. A part of the farmers argue that a higher organic matter supply decreases leaching losses due to an increased crop yield and Nuptake and a higher denitrification rate. These effects should more than compesate the untimeley N mineralisation in periods with low or no N uptake by crops. Therefore, a long term field experiment and additional lab experiments were done.

In the Dutch farming practice there is a discussion about the effect of organic manure on the nitrate leaching. A part of the farmers argue that a higher organic matter supply decreases leaching losses due to an increased crop yield and Nuptake and a higher denitrification rate. These effects should more than compesate the untimeley N mineralisation in periods with low or no N uptake by crops. Therefore, in 2018 a long term field trial was started in which different organic manures were compared with mineral fertilisers. In addition, in 2020 lab experiments were started in which different N loss processes were studied. 
