ADD_ Inventory research squid fisheries - BO-43-119.01-083
The Dutch fisheries on squids in the English Channel and southern North Sea have, in recent years, known an exponential growth making the Dutch the second largest squid fishers by landings in the EU. An increasing number of demersal fishing vessels operating under Dutch flag (but also Dutch owned vessels operating under foreign flags) are switching periodically from traditional target species (flat fish, shrimps or Nephrops ) to actively targeting squid in winter. These are mainly flyshooters and otter trawlers, but also some beam trawlers. The main reason for this development seems to be the current profitability of the fishery on squid, which provides an additional source of income for declining coastal communities and triggers the innovative strength of Dutch fishers without having to rely on public aid. Apart from some restrictions on access to some fisheries (licenses for fishing in the English channel or licenses in the seine fishery), the fishery is currently not limited by quota or effort restrictions. The question is therefore, if a non-managed harvesting of this limited common good can guarantee economic and ecological sustainability by itself, or if a proper management of the fisheries is required.