European Research Network on Climate Smart Forestry
Europes forests are being hit hard by climate change. E.g. at the moment estimates of mortality in spruce go up to 100 million m3 in 2018 only. At the same time we expect forest to fulfil their carbon sink function and maintain and provide many other functions. This is not only vital for the big forest countries, but also for the wood importing countries in Europe. Europe needs coordinated actions in this field. Climate-Smart Forestry (CSF) is a prominent way to deal with this and is urgently needed to connect mitigation with adaption measures, enhancing the resilience of forest resources and ecosystem services, and meet the needs of a growing population.
Under the umbrella of a European Forest Institutes (EFI) Network, we will set up a CSF network coordinated by Wageningen University and Research. Network. In order to continue this after 2020 additional follow up funds will be sought from EU and other member countries once the Network is established. E.g. a partnership under Horizon Europe (the follow up of H2020) is one of the possibilities.
Components will consist of:
- Indentify active partners in 10-15 member States (+ Norway, UK and Switzerland)
- Gathering preliminary information on current developments in demo sites. (incl Tree breeding and adaptation/ linked to breeding networks);
- Organise a network meeting (Sep) to streamline information gathering and exchange;
- Document results and make them available;
- Lay basis for H2020 call;
- Building the community (organize final meeting Feb 2021, possibly with stakeholders, or in frame of a policymakers event)