Food Systems Approach
Tackling global challenges of producing sufficient healthy food for an increasing population needs a food system approach for seeking entry points for transformation towards a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient food system. This project supports Dutch food security policy staff with insights to enhance impacts of Dutch FS policy on SDG 2. SDG 2 aims to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, increase returns for food producers and to organise food systems in a way that contributes to the preservation of ecosystems, strengthens resilience to climate change and improves land and soil quality. There is a growing awareness worldwide that the elements of SDG 2 (food, agriculture and ecological sustainability) are closely related and, as a whole, are connected with the other 16 SDGs.
Tackling global challenges of producing sufficient healthy food for an increasing population needs a food system approach for seeking entry points for transformation towards a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient food system. This project supports Dutch food security policy staff with insights to enhance impacts of Dutch FS policy on SDG 2 (zero hunger), and the closely related SDG 1(poverty), 10 (sustainable production and consumption) and 13 (climate change). The project consists of two parts, one on promoting horticultural sector development in developing countries, and one on assessing private investments supporting Dutch food security policy.