
SMP23021 Next Level Dutch Greenhouse business in China with AI (NL_Greenhouse+AI)

Since 2021, China has become the largest export market for Dutch greenhouse technology/products/service providers. As a result, more and more commercial production greenhouses under the Dutch standards are being built. Nowadays, Dutch greenhouse technology is highly appreciated in China with more than 60 Dutch horticultural companies being present.

The value of AI-supported growing services is getting more and more awareness by industry. Accelerator to this awareness has been the first Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge organized by WUR and sponsored by Tencent in 2018 that completed its 3rd editions in 2022 with success in
proving the potential of AI in greenhouse production systems. Developments towards autonomous greenhouses are running fast worldwide. Leading climate control companies started to heavily invest on the topic while new companies and start-ups have appeared with core business the implementation of advanced technologies and AI in greenhouses.

The potential of AI-supported growing technologies is much higher in emerging markets such as China’s with applications in monitoring, controlling and manipulating tasks, mainly due to the lack of skilled labour in strategic and operational activities. The Dutch horticulture sector can find
applications within this emerging market. However, adaptation of the developed techniques to the local climate, supply chain and market are necessary.
