SMP24015 Towards a resource efficient pig production supply chain in Brazil - BO-69-002-076
The Seed Money Project elaborates opportunities for a multi-annual project, aiming to empower an integrated sustainability measuring, benchmarking and certification in the Brazilian pig meat supply chain.
In the SMP a collaboration will be set up with Embrapa in Brazil and interested commercial party Aurora Coop, a large cooperative in Brazil. Aurora Coop is willing to come to a system for integrated sustainability improvement and certification. By measuring and benchmarking farmers have tools to improve sustainability on their farms. Certification is desired from a commercial interest point of view. The foreseen integrated sustainability approach will focus at the pig meat supply chain, ‘from crop to shop’. Aurora intends to have the tool available for other Brazilian pig meat producers as well.
Activities in the SMP comprise designing a theoretical framework, defining a business model, drafting a full project proposal and a search for funding.
Partners in the SMP consortium contribute by sharing insights and experiences, and will learn from the approach as it can also function as an incubator for Dutch application.