Sustainable Binderless Product Technology
The transition towards a circular and biobased economy asks for alternatives for fossil based materials that can be shaped in two or even three dimensions (3D) such as plastic packaging, construction materials and furniture. In this project we will develop lignocellulose based materials that will provide these alternatives. Unlike most lignocellulose based materials we will use all components, (hemi-)cellulose and lignin without biorefinery process and without adding glues or chemicals. Because of the growing demand for wood and to prevent the use of arable land for non-food purposes we will use lignocellulose waste and side streams.
In the research the existing know how to produce binderless boards from coconut husk will used as the prime starting point. In the early 2000s Wageningen Food & Biobased Research has been able to produce a high performance board from coconut husk without the addition of binders. These boards have high strength and good water barrier properties because in this process the components present in the coconut husk (lignin, hemicellulose and phenolic components) react with each other (comparable to thermoset binders).
The most important goal for this project is to better understand the behaviour of the lignin present in the matrix and how to use this lignin as a natural binder by applying pressure, heat and influence water content. Based on these insights the basic binderless technology will be further developed on three points. The process will be adapted to be suited for other lignocellulose side streams (new feedstocks) , the technology will be optimised to be able to produce thin walled and 3D products (new applications) and the technology will be fine-tuned to decrease investment and processing costs (new technology).