WMG Role for model governance and model investments
Models are tools that are developed, applied and adapted within Wageningen University and Research. We explore model work is organized within WR. It aims to find shared insight and language across WU and the WR institutes, outline a Wageningen Model Infrastructure encompassing the current tasks of the Wageningen Modelling Group.
Basing much of the scientific insight and advise at Wageningen University and Research on models implies good governance of these models and the accompanying infrastructure. Currently the governance of these models is scattered.
This task will sketch the current ways of working with models within the teams developing and employing models, the formal line responsibilities, and within and between institute exchange of models and modelling practice. Based on this sketch and identifying key barriers and enablers for improving the work with models at WUR, a Wageningen Model Infrastructure will be outlined. This outline will chart steps towards the continuation of the Wageningen Modelling Group efforts, show options to improve central knowledge of the models that are used and to ensure scientific flexibility at the level of model development.