Instructions for Booked Scheduler
How to create an Account:
Click the Log on banner on the Equipment page.
Please leave the Language to "English GB".
Click the Create an Account link.
Fill-in all fields of the form:
- Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
- Organization: your department
- Position: Staff , Student , PhD , Post-Doc , Guest , ....
- Select Category: BNT , External , PCC-member , ....
Click the "Register" button (you can edit the form later).
Contact the instrument supervisor. He/she will arrange the reservation for you.
How to create a Reservation:
Click the Log on banner on the Equipment page and log in. (You can make a favorite of this log-on page).
In the black menu-bar select “Schedule” and scroll to the top of the page.
The instruments are grouped in several schedules. To switch to another schedule: scroll to the top of the schedule page, click the blue reversed triangle (next to the schedule name -at top center- below the black menu-bar) and select the desired schedule. (You can mark a schedule as your default by a click on the orange star icon at top left of the schedule page).
In the calendar click on the time block of the desired instrument at the desired date.
Select the Begin and End date and time, fill-in a Title and/or Description (optional) and click on "Create" (at right side).
You can modify or delete your reservation the same way and click on "Update" or "Delete".
Under “My Account / Notification Preferences” you can set mail notifications.
Use the Help facility of the program for help and information about the program. (Not all options mentioned are activated)