People of the Animal Nutrition Group
Associate and assistant professors
dr.ir. J (Jan) Dijkstra
Associate professor -
dr.ir. AFB (Thomas) van der Poel
Associate professor -
dr.ir. RP (René) Kwakkel
Associate professor -
dr.ir. S (Sonja) de Vries
Associate professor -
dr.ir. G (Guido) Bosch
Assistant professor -
MS (Myrthe) Gilbert PhD MSc
Assistant professor -
dr. WF (Wilbert) Pellikaan
Assistant professor -
dr. N (Nikkie) van der Wielen
Assistant professor
Visiting researchers
Technical staff
dr. LH (Leon) de Jonge
Head of the laboratory -
ing. SJJ (Sven) Alferink
Education/research worker -
H (Erika) Beukers-van Laar
Education/research worker -
ing. MJH (Michel) Breuer
Education/research worker -
S (Shirley) Hol
Education/research worker -
ing. S (Saskia) van Laar-van Schuppen
Education/research worker -
JM (Jane-Martine) Muylaert
Education/research worker -
TXH (Xuan Huong) van der Schans-Le BSc
Education/research worker -
ing. N (Niels) Wever
Education/research worker -
ing. T (Tamme) Zandstra
Education/research worker
PhD candidates
R (Rong) Bai
PhD candidate -
S (Sholeha) Binti Abd Rahim MSc
PhD candidate -
Z (Zhaoyang) Cui
PhD candidate -
LM (Lieske) van Eck-Kalkman MSc
PhD candidate -
GJ (Margreet) Edens
PhD candidate -
J (Jinda) Glinubon
PhD candidate -
ELP (Eugénie) Guennoc
PhD candidate -
MF (Fahmi) Habibi
PhD candidate -
FMT (Fenna) Hinssen MSc
PhD candidate -
SCG (Samuel) Jansseune MSc
PhD candidate -
L (Lisanne) Koning MSc
PhD candidate -
PA (Paulina) Krzysica MSc
PhD candidate -
A (Afroditi) Lazarakou
PhD candidate -
MD (Mary) Maxfield
PhD candidate -
G (Gabriel) Menegazzi da Conceição MSc
PhD candidate -
AJW (Annemarie) Mens MSc
PhD candidate -
RL (Roseanne) Minderhoud MSc
PhD candidate -
I (Ilaria) Minussi MSc
PhD candidate -
W (Wouter) Muizelaar MSc
PhD candidate -
drs. LW (Lennard) Pisa MSc
PhD candidate -
M (Mishal) Puthiyottil
PhD candidate -
A (Arya) Rezaei Far MSc
PhD candidate -
AH (Axel) van Ruitenbeek
PhD candidate -
CA (Carina) Steendam
PhD candidate -
IN (Ilva Noa) Stellingwerf
PhD candidate -
TH (Hai) Tran
PhD candidate -
RJ (Romy) Veersma MSc
PhD candidate -
G (Gonzalo) Vivares Martinez MSc BSc
PhD candidate -
H (Hanlu) Zhang MSc
PhD candidate