About us
To improve food and nutrition security worldwide, the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group educates and performs research on the sustainable harvest and production of animal food from marine and freshwater aquatic ecosystems including land-and sea-based aquaculture.
Our vision:
Global consumption and demand for aquatic food will continue to increase. Climate change will affect life in oceans, the North Sea, Wadden Sea and large rivers such as the Rhine. The Aquaculture and Fisheries Group plays an important role in managing sustainable aquaculture systems of the future with a minimal impact on environment and with positive effect on human and animal health. To protect biodiversity and ensure fish stocks are available for future generations, the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group plays an important role in managing sustainable approaches to fisheries. Thereby the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group supports SDG2 Zero Hunger and SDG14 Life Below Water.
Our mission:
The Aquaculture and Fisheries Group integrates multiple disciplinary approaches and provides courses on a broad range of disciplines relevant to Aquaculture and Fisheries. PhD education is a major focus area. The teaching and research scope of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group encompass fish (and shellfish) physiology, nutrition, health and immunology which all closely interconnect with water quality in aquaculture systems and encompass fisheries ecology, adaptation of fish and studies on the composition of fish communities.
Our Strategy:
The Aquaculture and Fisheries Group explores a large range of technologies and disciplines required for a sustainable and circular food system approach to both aquaculture and fisheries, supporting the provision of healthy food from aquatic animals for mankind.