Master of Animal Sciences
We are represented in three out of six specialisations: Nutrition and Metabolism (B), Global and Sustainable Production (C) and Animal Ecology (F)
Specialisation: Nutrition and Metabolism
This specialisation aims to understand the relation between nutritional demands, diet formulation, digestion and metabolism in animals, and their responses in terms of growth, production and waste.
Courses of AFI:
Aquaculture Production Systems AFI-31806
Nutrition and Health in Aquaculture AFI-32306
Specialisation: Global and Sustainable Production
This specialisation combines knowledge from different disciplines (such as animal sciences, economics and social sciences) to study the development of sustainable animal systems across the world.
Courses of AFI:
Aquaculture Production Systems AFI-31806
Sustainability in Fish and Seafood Production AFI-33306
Specialisation: Animal Ecology
The specialisation Animal Ecology focuses on the interaction between animal populations and their wider environment, the ecosystem. The environment can be natural or affected by human intervention, i.e. an agro-ecosystem. Mechanisms that underlie the impact of animals on their environment, by food intake behaviour, by interaction with other animals, are studied to understand animal and aquatic ecological systems.
Courses of AFI:
Marine Resources Management AFI-32806
Fisheries Ecology AFI-30806
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