MSc Thesis
If you wish to discuss a thesis, please join our ONLINE Meet & Greet every first Tuesday of the month between 12:00 and 13:00 to explore the options. Feel free to stop by. Even if your ideas are very broad you’re welcome!
To give you an idea of the possibilities, we listed MSc thesis subjects below. Please be aware that some research might be finished or altered. Agreement on a topic will always be discussed first.
If you know your outline already, contact the AFI office by sending an e-mail to: office.afi@wur.nl
MSc Thesis Subjects
Nutritional programming in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Does dietary methionine levels fed during early life affect nutrient utilisation in later life stages of Nile tilapia? See link
Dietary modulation of muscle growth in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Does dietary methionine content affect muscle growth dynamics in Nile tilapia? See link
Estimating the Impact of a New Shrimp Feeding Concept on the Farmer' Household Marginalisation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, using an Agent Based model.
Will a broad application of the nutritious pond concept reduce the number of farm' households that lose their shrimp-based livelihood and thus the basis of their food security, in the coastal provinces of the Mekong delta? see link
Variation in functional morphology of an aquatic invader
Does morphology of invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) differ between invasion events and what does this mean for feeding competitive interactions with native species? see link
Taxonomic and functional diversity of fish communities
Does the diversity of species of fish in a community reflect the functional diversity, or are they not directly linked? See link
The success of young fish recruitment in the Rhine River (Netherlands): a quantitative approach
What are the success factors for the recruitment of young fish in the branches of the River rhine? See link
The success of young fish recruitment in the Rhine River (Netherlands): fieldwork
What are the success factors for the recruitment of young fish in the branches of the River rhine? See link
The success of young fish recruitment in the Rhine River secondary channels
We are interested in how juvenile river fish use floodplain habitats along the rivers IJssel and Waal. Fieldwork in 2019 will focus on assessing fish, macrofauna and zooplankton communities of 3 secondary channels in particular. For more information, see link
Small Fish and Food Security: Towards innovative integration of fish in African food systems to improve nutrition
The aim of the Small Fish for Food project is to obtain a quantified view on the flows from fisher to consumer of small fish in Ghana, Uganda, Kenya and possibly Tanzania by making a mass balance of production and trade flows. For more information, see link
Ecomorphological analysis of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus of cyprinid fish in relation to aquatic food types.
To what extent can an ecomorphological approach of the pharyngeal jaws explain the feeding differentiation among Dutch cyprinids? For more information, please see link
Dynamics of Fish Aggregation Device (FADs) Utilization on Tuna Fisheries.
What is the dynamics utilization of FADs on tuna fisheries? For more information, please see link