Onderzoek van de Leerstoelgroep Agrarische Economie en Plattelandsbeleid
De Leerstoelgroep Agrarische Economie en Plattelandsbeleid doet onderzoek, en biedt onderwijs over een breed scala aan aspecten. Deze houden verband met de bijdrage van de bio-economie en de agrarische sector aan, in het bijzonder, duurzame ontwikkeling.
Het doel van AEP is om impact te creëren in de wetenschap en maatschappij door onderzoeksresultaten te verspreiden richting onderzoekers, beleidsmakers, studenten en maatschappelijke belanghebbenden.
Onze leerstoelgroep richt zich meestal op ontwikkelde landen en specifiek op de EU. De transformatie van de landbouw van puur voedsel produceren naar een producent van zowel voedsel als groene diensten in de westerse wereld wordt echter steeds meer waargenomen als een wereldwijd fenomeen. Daarom is het onderzoek van de AEP leerstoelgroep ook gericht op overgangseconomieën (bijvoorbeeld Oost-Europa en China) en ontwikkelingslanden.
Zie voor meer informatie het onderzoeksprofiel van de AEP leerstoelgroep op Research@WUR.
Onze onderzoeksthema's
1. Markets and Policies
This theme focuses on improving the understanding of the economic determinants, dynamics as well as socio-economic effects of national, EU and global markets in which agricultural and food commodities are produced, traded, processed and consumed. Among the most important topics the group’s research is contributing to are the understanding of price developments and of market shocks affecting trade and market dynamics. The research belonging to this theme, moreover, assesses the economic impacts and implications of agricultural policies of the Netherlands, the EU and selected further countries. Third, the research of this theme advances the scientific and societal understanding of new economic opportunities resulting from the bioeconomy and the associated governance regulations. This includes safety regulations for novel products, biofuel policies as well as their market effects in both developed and developing countries.
2. Spatial Structures
This theme includes research addressing intersections between agriculture, environment and space. It analyses land use patterns or the provision of environmental services as well as models the effects of governmental policy choices for rural areas and landscapes. Within this theme, our research assesses new developments and opportunities which result from the bioeconomy and relate to land use and the multifunctionality of rural areas given that competition for land and natural resources is continuously increasing due to a growing global population and diverse land use interests for infrastructure and energy vs. food production resulting from that.
3. Institutional and Organisational Aspects
This theme includes research on organizational aspects of economic phenomena, transactions and processes which, for example, relate to agri-food value chains, contract farming or agri-environmental schemes. The growing importance of vertical and horizontal coordination and the use of contracts in national, EU and global agri-food value chain aspects of the bioeconomy imply ample needs and opportunities for research within this theme to enrich and extend the scientific discourse and improve the understanding of society.