Antimicrobial Resistance Research
Antibiotics are essential medicines for fighting bacterial infection. They kill the bacteria or slow their growth, allowing the immune system to clear up the infection. But antibiotics may lose their effectiveness if bacteria are no longer susceptible to them: they have evolved resistance. Copious use of antibiotics stimulates the occurrence and growth of (multi) resistant bacteria. Infection by resistant bacteria is naturally more difficult to treat. So, it is very important that we undertake global action to fight antimicrobial resistance, better known by its abbreviation AMR.
Public health, animal health and food safety
The One Health approach forms a guideline in the sustainable and shared approach against antimicrobial resistance. In this approach, experts in the field of public health, animal health and food safety work together in an interdisciplinary way.
Wageningen Food Safety Research conducts research into food and environmental sources for the presence of resistance to antibiotics. Our microbiologists have at their disposal specific accredited methods for demonstrating the presence of the MRSA bacterium, ESBL and carbapenem-resistant bacteria.
The AMR information on food is shared with the NVWA and EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority. We also work closely with Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR), which conducts research into AMR in animals.
Our microbiologists have at their disposal specific accredited methods for demonstrating the presence of the MRSA bacterium, ESBL and carbapenem-resistant bacteria.
Research on antibiotic resistance in food and environmental sources
Below you will find out more about our varied work and how we make a contribution through them to food safety:
Phenotype and genotype profiling
In order to test for resistance to antibiotics, researchers investigate the genotype and the phenotype of a bacterium. Genotype has to do with genes: does the bacterium have a resistant property in its DNA? With the phenotype, observable characteristics are what is at issue. In this case: are we able to measure whether the bacterium is resistant? Here, the degree of resistance can be measured as well - the MIC value. This is the concentration of the antibiotic at which a bacterium no longer grows.

Matrices and bacteria investigated
Publication of data
Associated Disciplines
Read more about our microbiology expertises virology, bacteriology and genomics.