CatchCam 2.0
In a previous KB WOT programme we successfully developed an electronic monitoring system (EM), the CatchCam, to support at-sea sampling on board commercial fishing vessels in the transition from discard to catch sampling. With the help of digital pictures generated by the EM system, an observer can significantly improve the accuracy of the catch estimates per species on board fishing vessels.
First objective of the project is to facilitate further and wider implementation of the CatchCam in WOT on board observer programmes. Second objective is to provide a solution for the foreseen changes in sampling methodologies under the landing obligation, like measuring catches below minimum reference size (BMS).
Automation of image review through computer vision technology, i.e. develop algorithm that recognizes and records different species and measures length of individual fish form generated images. This system could accommodate monitoring programmes on new catch components in WOT programmes, e.g. BMS monitoring. Of course, can such an automated monitoring device also facilitate existing sampling programmes like for example the WOT market and discard monitoring programmes (reduce workload in the field).
Monitoring en automatisering
Monitoring is veranderd als gevolg van de aanlandplicht. Digitale cameratechnologie kan worden ingezet om monitoring aan boord en het verzamelen van gegevens van nieuwe datastromen, e.g. vangst onder minimum maat (BMS) of aangevoerde discards. Tegelijkertijd kan automatisering van gegevensverzameling d.m.v. computer vision technologie bijdragen aan het reduceren van de werkdruk van het WOT programma in het veld.