
Eiwit functionaliteit en kleine componenten

Eiwitbronnen bevatten minor components; van nature, door contaminatie, of gevormd tijdens verwerking. Deze kleine componenten bepalen mede de uiteindelijke functionaliteit, sensorische eigenschappen en veiligheid van eiwitfracties. Inzicht in deze effecten wordt gebruikt voor het ontwerp van verwerkingsroutes van deze eiwitten, verwerkingsstappen kunnen eventuele negatieve effecten verminderen of positieve effecten versterken.

Protein sources contain so-called minor components that can be either naturally present, present due to contamination or formed during technological processing. These minor components can play a major role in the final functionality, sensory properties and safety of the protein fractions in these sources. The goal of the project is to get insight into these type of effects of minor components in alternative protein sources to come to processing routes to reduce negative effects and enhance positive effects of these minor components in current and future protein products. 
