

HoliSoils overall goal is to develop a harmonised soil monitoring framework and identify and test novel holistic soil management practices that will help to mitigate through carbon capture (CC), adapt forests to cope with CC, and sustain provision of various ecosystem services essential for human livelihoods and wellbeing.

Holisoils develops tools for soil monitoring, refine GHG assessment of the LULUCF sector, enhance efficiency of GHG mitigation actions, and improve numerical forecasting of soil-based mitigation, adaptation and ecosystem services. Activities consist of twelve categories experimental sites across Europe on in total 57 locations (amongst which five in Netherlands Chaam, Leende, Hoge Veluwe, Speuld and Vaassen with owners State Forest Service, National Parc Hoge Veluwe, Royal Estate t Loo), where impacts of management are tested on soil C sequestration as well as soil biodiversity. WRs main task is to develop and test the European forest soils module of EFISCEN-space, covering most of the EU forests in detail. Results are very relevant for the LULUCF reporting as well as for (included) forest management practice that can implement the climate smart forestry regimes. In this way a clear connection is also made to the Dutch forest-climate pilots executed under the Dutch Climate Agreement with 30 partners from the Dutch sector at > 100 locations in the Netherlands.
