Towards Circular Food Systems

To provide the optimal treatment to a plant is called precision agriculture, satellite farming or site specific crop management. Precision agriculture is therefore a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field (arable farming, grassland farming, vegetable farming, nursery tree farming), greenhouse or climate cell, variability of crops.

Wageningen University helps to be more sustainable by minimizing inputs (fertilizers, chemicals, energy, footprint, soil compaction, water use and starting materials) and maximize an optimal nutritious, high quality product as output. Products that are delivered at the right time-spot and in the right quantity. We develop intelligent machine end sensor solutions interacting with tech-suppliers and end-users.

Our products

  • Light weight autonomous machines (robots)
  • Sensors to predict yield and quality
  • Sensors that are able to detect pests and diseases, lack of nutrients and other stresses
  • Systems that are robust, hygienic and can work in harsh conditions
  • Systems that run at high speed, are flexible and can cope with big data issues
  • Systems that transfer sensor data in field-maps and management support or learning and decision making

Our expertise

Computer vision (2D, 3D and motion tracking), spectral image analysis systems (from X-ray  to micro waves), Artificial intelligence including deep learning, Machine integration.


We offer you

  • Wide range of state of the art sensor and robot capabilities available
  • Validation methods
  • Data acquisition, storage, security, safety and analytics
  • Artificial intelligence methods
  • Connected to a wide range farm management systems
  • Akkerweb
  • Technical skills, Project Management & Business Support
  • Leading Digital Innovation Hub in Europe on Agri-Food

Would you like to work with us? Contact our Business Developer: