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Nevenwerkzaamheden - prof.dr.ir. B (Bedir) Tekinerdogan
WADDEM is an international non-profit organization in which multiple scientists work together to identify |research collaborations focusing on disaster management. We have regular meetings, every 2-3 months. |We aim to write research proposals for Horizon Europe. World Alliance on Digitalization for Disaster & Emergency -
Board member of 4TU NIRICT. |4TU.NIRICT is the Netherlands Institute for Research on ICT and comprises all ICT research of the universities of technology in the Netherlands. We have monthly meetings, and prepare activities to support the synergy within 4TU.|https://www.4tu.nl/nirict/About_Us/Our%20people/ 4TU NIRICT -
VERSEN is the Dutch National Association for Software Engineering. Its mission is to bring together researchers, educators and practitioners in the field of software engineering in The Netherlands, who share the common goals of advancing the field or software engineering, raising public awareness of the challenges and opportunities of the field, acquiring funding for groundbreaking research, and transferring academic results to broader society.|https://www.versen.nl/ VERSEN - VEReniging Software Engineering Nederland