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Onderwijsactiviteiten - dr.ir. CPM (Carlo) van Mierlo

Microbiology & Biochemistry (MIB-10306)

Molecular Life Sciences (BIC-10807)

Cell Biology (CBI-10306)

Advances in Magnetic Resonance (BIP-31806)


CBI10806 Introduction to Cell Biology
BIC10807 Molecular Life Sciences
MIB10306 Microbiology & Biochemistry
BIC79324 MSc Research Practice Biochemistry
BIC70424 MSc Internship Biochemistry
BIC79224 MSc Research Practice Biochemistry
BIC70224 MSc Internship Biochemistry
BIC80436 MSc Thesis Biochemistry
BIC80424 MSc Thesis Biochemistry
BIC79224 MSc Research Practice Biochemistry
BIC70224 MSc Internship Biochemistry
BIC80436 MSc Thesis Biochemistry
BIC79324 MSc Research Practice Biochemistry
BIC80424 MSc Thesis Biochemistry
BIC70424 MSc Internship Biochemistry
MIB10306 Microbiology & Biochemistry
BIC10807 Molecular Life Sciences
CBI10806 Introduction to Cell Biology