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Publicaties - prof.dr.ir. EH (Erik) Poelman
Plant interactions with multiple insect herbivores: From community to genes
Annual Review of Plant Biology 65:689–713 -
Parasitoid-specific induction of plant responses to parasitized herbivores affects colonization by subsequent herbivores
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108:19647-19652 -
Hyperparasitoids find their parasitoid host with help of plant volatiles
PloS Biology 11:e1001435 -
Foraging behaviour by parasitoids in a multi-herbivore community
Animal Behaviour 85:1517-1528 -
Amazon poison frogs (Ranitomeya amazonica) use different phytotelm characteristics to determine their suitability for egg and tadpole deposition
Evolutionary Ecology 27:661-674