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Nevenwerkzaamheden - GA (George) Iordachescu PhD
The project Doing Environmental (In)Justice: A Theory in Praxis (acronym EcoJust), is funded by the NextGeneration EU (No. 760077/23.05.2023) through the Romanian Government. It runs for a period of 3 years and is led by PI Dr Irina Velicu. |The project aims to expand the theory of environmental justice by analyzing the lived realities of local communities exposed to four environmental conflicts: mining, waste trafficking, land grabbing and illegal logging.|I currently oversee the work done under the work package related to the conflict Illegal Logging. |Along with supervision and mentoring of one postdoc & one research assistant, my responsibilities include participating in the monthly meetings, leading or co-authoring academic publications and offering guidance on the general organization of the research & planning. University of Sibiu, Romania