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Projecten - dr. LAM (Laurice) Pouvreau
Plentitude - WUR Project Plentitude Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (WFBR) is de enige kennispartner in dit BBI EU project en speelt daarom... -
Peulvruchten met optimale smaak en functionaliteit
Peulvruchten met optimale smaak en functionaliteit - WUR Project Peulvruchten met optimale smaak en functionaliteit Peulvruchten, bepaalde... -
SUS-PRINT: Sustainable Foods by 3D food printing
SUS-PRINT will fill knowledge gaps and overcome technology hurdles in the production of next generation plant-based foods. -
LWV22054 SUSprint: Sustainable Food by 3D printing - BO-62-001-026
LWV22054 SUSprint: Sustainable Food by 3D printing - BO-62-001-026 - WUR Project LWV22054 SUSprint: Sustainable Food by 3D printing - BO-62-001-026... -
PlantPROMISE - WUR Project PlantPROMISE Offering attractive and tasty alternative plant-based meat analogues to the consumer could stimulate the... -
Plenitude - WUR Project Plenitude Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (WFBR) is the only knowledge partner in this BBI flagship project, and...