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Onderwijsactiviteiten - dr. LE (Lisa) Becking


MAE21306 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods for Marine Sciences
AFI70224 MSc Internship Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI79224 MSc Research Practice Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI80424 MSc Thesis Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI80330 MSc Thesis Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI70424 MSc Internship Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI79324 MSc Research Practice Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI80436 MSc Thesis Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI31306 Life History of Aquatic Organisms
AFI34306 Short Research Projects in Fish Biology
MAE80336 MSc Thesis Marine Animal Ecology
MAE70324 MSc Internship Marine Animal Ecology
AFI70424 MSc Internship Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI31306 Life History of Aquatic Organisms
AFI34306 Short Research Projects in Fish Biology
MAE21306 Research Methods for Marine Sciences
MAE30306 Marine Animal Ecology
AFI80330 MSc Thesis Aquaculture and Fisheries
MAE80336 MSc Thesis Marine Animal Ecology
MAE70324 MSc Internship Marine Animal Ecology
MAE30306 Marine Animal Ecology
AFI21306 Life History and Biology of Aquatic Organisms
AFI79224 MSc Research Practice Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI79324 MSc Research Practice Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI80424 MSc Thesis Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI80436 MSc Thesis Aquaculture and Fisheries
AFI70224 MSc Internship Aquaculture and Fisheries