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Publicaties - dr. MJC (Marcel) Rozemeijer
Seabed mining
Johnson K., Dalton G., Masters I. (Eds) (2018). Building Industries at Sea: ‘Blue Growth’ and the New Maritime Economy. River Publishers Series in Renewable Energy. ISBN: 978-87-93609-25-9 (Ebook). -
Bouwen met Noordzee-natuur; Uitwerking Gebiedsagenda Noordzee 2050.
Wageningen Marine Research rapport C024/17. 48 blz. -
MEP Zandwinning RWS LaMER 2007 en 2008-2012 overzicht resultaten en evaluatie
IMARES Wageningen UR Rapport C181/13 -
3.5 Adaptation in coastal zones. In: M.A. van Drunen, R. Lasage and C. Dorlands (eds.). Climate change in developing countries. An overview of study results from the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Programme.
Institute for Environmental Studies Report R-05/01 March 22, 2005, ISBN 90-5192-025-3 -
Regulation of nitrogen excretion of the amphibious Blenniidae Alticus kirki Guenther 1868 during emersion and immersion.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 104A: 57-62.