RF (Roel) Veerkamp RF (Roel) Veerkamp

Onderzoeker, Hoogleraar

I work for Wageningen UR since 1997 in the area of animal breeding.  My  interests i) numerical genetics/genomics, ii) linking practical and theoretical animal breeding and iii) connecting people (and science). Examples of exciting projects i) the1000 bull genome project, ii) Global Methane Genetrics initiative, and iii) Breed4Food

Next to my scientific interests, I have practical involvement with dairy cattle breeding organisations in several countries. 

In 2012 I became extraordinary professor at Wageningen University, and have been head of  Animal Breeding and Genomics  of Wageningen Livestock Research since 2002.  In 2013 I became a part time Professor position at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences  (till 2018) and I am visiting professor at SRUC in Scotland. Where I served as researcher from 1991 to1997, and graduated for my PhD in 1995.