dr.ir. CA (Sander) Mücher
Senior onderzoeker Remote Sensing & Geo-InformatieVolg mij op:
Dr.ir Sander Mücher is a senior researcher Remote Sensing & Geo-Informatics at Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR), within the team Earth Observation and Environmental Informatics. Active for 30 years in the field of remote sensing and monitoring biodiversity and agriculture. He is involved in many national and international remote sensing activities with a strong accent on habitat & environmental monitoring at different scales. Together with Wageningen University he has set-up in 2012 a ROC certified Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing Facility (WUR-UARSF) with a wide range of national and international applications in nature and agriculture. The integration of remote sensing and in-situ information for monitoring and modelling the environment (including environmental stratifications) plays an important role in all his studies. Since 2016 he is also involved in many projects related to nature & the environment in the Dutch Caribbean. In 2016 he has been working for 6 months in the Dutch Caribbean (Bonaire) at DCNA Nature in relation to coral reef mapping using hyperspectral imagery. And he continues his research in the Caribbean as well, all in relation to the resilience of Nature and the connection of terrestrial and marine ecosystems.