dr. WML (Wouter) Meijninger

dr. WML (Wouter) Meijninger

WR Onderzoeker

Wouter Meijninger works as researcher in the field of remote sensing (optical and radar), agro-meteorology and -hydrology, biodiversity and land use monitoring. Most of his work is focused on the development of new applications of remote sensing data and techniques for use in the agri-food applications and biodiversity (http://www.groenmonitor.nl/; https://agrodatacube.wur.nl/; https://www.synbiosys.alterra.nl/nextgeoss/). In addition he promotes the applicability of remote sensing in project designs and monitoring through demonstration projects (for IFAD) and (introductory and advanced) training courses for clients, students and project-partners (mostly in Africa (Cameroon, Senegal) and Asia (Bangladesh)).

special interest:

  • monitoring crop status (based on vegetation index NDVI)
  • drought monitoring Netherlands (based on vegetation index NDVI)
  • detection of management activities in grassland and farmland using optical and radar (coherence) data, e.g. ploughing, sowing, mowing and harvesting
  • detection of abandoned land (using radar coherence)