
Kruidenrijk grasland in het veenweidegebied : Wat is het en wat kun je ermee?

Westerink, Judith; Bufe, Conny; Ozinga, Wim; Geerts, Rob; Plomp, Marleen; Klootwijk, Cindy; Hassink, Jan; Visser, Tim; Massop, Harry; Dik, Pim; van Os, Jaap; Bloem, Jaap; Blokland, Pieter Willem; de Koeijer, Tanja; Veraart, Maayke; de Wit, Nicole


In peat grassland landscapes, extensive species-rich grassland is important for biodiversity. Vegetation, environmental conditions, management and production of 29 fields of 29 farmers have been analysed and related. In addition, integration in the farming system, farm economy and other factors were studied that have a role in the decisions of farmers in relation to species-rich grasslands. The report presents a typology of species-rich grassland and identifies opportunities for stimulating species-rich grasslands in peat meadow areas.