Natuurverkenning 2050 – Scenario Natuurinclusief
Breman, Bas; Nieuwenhuizen, Wim; Dirkx, Joep; Pouwels, Rogier; de Knegt, Bart; de Wit, Esther; Roelofsen, Hans; van Hinsberg, Arjen; van Egmond, Petra; Maas, Gilbert; van Aar, Mies; Veraart, Jeroen; Snep, Robbert; van Delft, Bas; Mensing, Victor; Hellegering, Yvonne; de Blois, Filip; Woltjer, Inez; Heidema, Nanny; Lof, Marjolein; Mulder, Martin; Biersteker, Levi; van Eupen, Michiel; Jochem, Rene; de Nijs, Ton; Koopman, Remon; de Sena, Natasha
If the Netherlands were to adopt a nature-inclusive planning regime this could make a significant contribution towards resolving the current challenges facing Dutch society. This is the outcome of the analysis of the Nature- Inclusive scenario, one of the three scenarios in the National Nature Outlook 2050. In this scenario there is an increase in the provision of multiple ecosystem services that make important contributions to meeting the major challenges facing society in the areas of climate, biodiversity, water quality and the quality of the human environment. It is the first time that the effects of a nature-inclusive future have been quantified in this way for the Netherlands. But even a far-reaching nature-inclusive spatial development of the Netherlands would still leave issues to be resolved and additional measures would be needed to fully overcome these societal challenges. Moreover, nature-inclusive spatial development would involve major changes not only in spatial planning and design, but also in people’s behaviour.