Monitor herkomst diervoedergrondstoffen : beschrijving van de opzet, uitkomsten en beperkingen van een monitor voor de herkomst van diervoedergrondstoffen gebruikt in mengvoer in Nederland in 2019 en 2020
Veraart, Maayke; Bikker, Paul; van Laar, Harmen
Based on a knowledge question (“kennisvraag”) of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), a monitor for the origin of feedstuffs for farm animals was developed. The monitor is aimed at the origin (Netherlands, geographical Europe, outside of geographical Europe) of the raw materials used in compound feeds and dry raw materials fed to farm animals. The amount of raw materials used in compound feed was based on three different methods. It became apparent that in order to determine the use of raw materials, many assumptions have to be made. Additionally the results of the three methods are different. The estimated volumes and origin of feed materials are quite different from earlier publications. The current method seems insufficiently robust for annual monitoring of the raw material use in compound feed and as dry raw materials. We recommend to discuss with the animal feed sector how this monitor can be improved, based on data available in the sector.