Improving sustainability and circularity of palm oil production upstream and downstream
Voogt, J.A.; Slingerland, M.A.; Elbersen, H.W.; van Groenestijn, J.W.; Barrera Hernández, Juan Camilo; García Núñez, Jesús Alberto; Romero, H.M.; Bayona-Rodríguez, C.J.; Ayala-Diaz, I.M.
Colombia is the largest palm oil producer outside of Asia. To expand the sales market, it is important to improve the sustainability and circularity of palm oil production. The aim of this project is to increase the efficiency of land, biomass, and nutrient in both the upstream and downstream production of palm oil. The upstream research investigates the options on closing the yield gap of fresh fruit bunch (FFB) between current and potential production. The downstream research investigates the options of a more sustainable and circular use of palm oil mill residues.