
Exploring barriers and opportunities for utilization of dairy cattle manure in agriculture in West Java, Indonesia

Al Zahra, Windi; de Vries, Marion; de Putter, Herman


In West Java, Indonesia, most dairy farmers are currently discharging cattle manure into the environment, causing environmental pollution and local nuisance. In this study we explored barriers and opportunities for increased utilization of dairy cattle manure in agricultural sectors in West Java. Interviews were conducted with dairy cooperatives, provincial governments, and a number of potential large-scale users of cattle manure. Results give insight in current manure management issues and initiatives, and perceived constraints and opportunities for increased utilization of cattle manure by these stakeholders. The horticultural sector, tea and coffee plantations, and forestry areas in West Java were identified as potential large-scale users of dairy cattle manure, but various practical, economic and organizational constraints need to be overcome.